UN Academic Impact network

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is an initiative that engages institutions of higher education in supporting UN goals, including the promotion and protection of human rights, access to education, sustainability and conflict resolution.
On of their key initiatives is their network of students, academics, scientists, researchers, think tanks, institutions of higher education, continuing education and educational associations. These are over 1,600 member institutions in more than 150 countries that reach over 25 million people in the education and research sectors around the world.
UNAI assists these stakeholders by disseminating information on UN initiatives and activities, providing ideas on how these activities can be applied at the local level on college campuses, in classrooms and in communities, and by providing a platform where university students, academics and researchers can connect and share ideas, research and resources to further the Sustainable Development Goals and other UN mandates.
The network also benefits from SDGs workshops, training sessions and tailor-made publications which act as capacity-building tools. UNAI also advertises scholarship opportunities, academic events and calls for inputs, papers or submissions for the member institutions, their student body, staff and faculty.
There is no cost or fee for universities to join UNAI. The sole responsibility is for each member institution to actively demonstrate support of at least one of the 10 UNAI principles or Sustainable Development Goals each year.
United Nations Academic Impact is part of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI).
More information on: https://www.un.org/en/academicimpact