The SET4HEI certification 

If you are a higher education institution who excels in the contribution to some of the SDGs and would like to position yourself as a leader in impact to sustainable development, you can now apply for the SET4HEI certification.

The SET4HEI certification is your tangible and prestigious mark of excellence in sustainability. It showcases the activities your institution undertakes on sustainable development, setting your institution apart in the competitive landscape of global higher education.

You can be awarded this UNESCO digital badge per each SDG in which you excel after your performance is rigorously assessed by external peers and experts in the field in a process coordinated and validated by UNESCO. You will also receive detailed feedback on areas for improvement.

You can find all the information around the certification in the SET4HEI Certification Guide.

Please also check User guide and the Q&A Section to familiarise yourself with the tool.

SET4HEI certification guide for users

Are you interested in applying to the SET4HEI certification? Fill-in the following form and we will schedule a first virtual meeting to clarify any questions you might have, guide you on which SDGs to choose and start the process.

A government authority, or higher education institutions associations, groups or alliances, may be interested in funding or coordinating the certification process for a large group of HEIs. In such cases, a group price, as well as other complementary services, may be negotiated individually with UNESCO. Fill in the following interest form and we will contact you directly.

We are also looking for a pool of experts to participate in the SET4HEI evaluation. If you are interested and have over 10 year experience in your field, please fill-in the following form to be considered for the reviewer pool of the SET4HEI certification.