Guidelines for the implementation of sustainability in higher education institutions

Launched within the framework of the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit, the document “SET4HEI – General Guidelines for the Implementation of Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions” provides orientation for higher education institutions (HEIs) leaders to systematize and maximize the contributions of their institutions towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
The need for faster progress towards achieving the SDGs, the unique position of HEIs to accelerate this progress, and the interests of HEI leaders towards sustainability are the foundations of this document, jointly developed by the UNESCO Institute for Higher Education and the United Nations Academic Impact initiative (UNAI).
The document outlines the essential elements that can help HEIs systematize their approach and increase their contribution to the SDGs by becoming more sustainable organizations. These guidelines are a starting point that highlights general steps to consider and high-level actions to lead a shift towards sustainability within HEIs.